Ep 5: Alls Well That Ends Well
Credit: The One Ring RPG
It's finally happening.
This isn't a test.
The group finds themselves in real combat.
We're talking stances, rounds, and damage.
And actual rolls made by Chris the Loremaster. FINALLY!
But, here's the thing...the heroes are in a tough spot. This combat might just be their end.
The western edge of Mirkwood forest is finally within grasp. They are only days away from finally making it to the Wilderlands beyond. But this final test might prove to be too much.
And what's worse, two in the group have been caught completely off guard.
Not only will the others have to fight something they've never experienced before, but they will have to do it below full strength.
As Gandalf will one day say:
“There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world.”
You can listen to Episode 5: Alls Well that Ends Well right here:
Combat is a dangerous thing to an adventurer. Even the experienced ones can get a blade caught in the wrong place of their armor. And this group has plenty of members that aren't experienced.
But all of them have a mission on the western side of Mirkwood forest. All need to prove that they are up for the challenge.
And something dark makes its home in the eaves of Mirkwood.
That's something really cool about The Lord of the Rings lore. There's plenty that has been fleshed out by Tolkien that makes it one of, if not the most, detailed fantasy worlds of all time.
But there's just enough that has been left to the imagination.
And the “nameless things” of Middle Earth are one of those undetailed morsels that can be elaborated upon. The One Ring RPG does a great job taking off with that while still fitting it into the lore. The last part of the “Don't Leave the Path” adventure in Tales from Wilderland makes for a wonderful final boss to a new group of adventurers.
One mistake might be enough to bring the entire group down.
But...there's only one way to find out.
Join the cast of The Party Business Podcast as they play through The One Ring RPG and adventure in The Lord of the Rings universe. Listen wherever you listen to your podcasts: